Arlington is Nonbinary

I made buttons that say “Arlington is Nonbinary”, and I’m selling them to raise money to support transgender people in need. I suggest that, for each button, you share the amount of money you would make in just 15 minutes of work.

If you’re an educator, social worker, or other person intending to share these buttons widely, please order as many of them for whatever price you like, and just send me an email ( explaining what you’ll be doing with them.

All of the money from this will be going straight to local organizations that offer direct aid to transgender individuals experiencing homelessness. That means I’ll cover the cost of making the buttons and shipping them to you.

Please allow up to 3 weeks for the buttons to arrive, I’ll be making them to-order
How many buttons do you want?

Buckingham Youth Brigade Plan Lee Highway

I’m the Youth Advocacy Representative for Arlington’s Plan Lee Highway Community Forum, and so I recently worked with Mireya Vitela, Coordinator of the Buckingham Youth Brigade, to organize an activity involving the Youth Brigadiers in Plan Lee Highway. Here’s my report, which I sent to Arlington staff and to others involved in the PLH process, and here are a few other documents related to the activity:

  • All the notes taken during the activity, and some of the survey results
  • The slideshow I used to present the images on the Complete Streets Global Tour and the handout
  • The survey form (for reference only!)

Drawing in Cities

For about two years, as a hobby, I have been teaching myself to sketch architecture and urban scenes. I’ve enjoyed it very much, and it has helped me develop an appreciation not only for buildings and spaces but for visual art in general. It’s also helped me keep a record of places I’m lucky enough to visit, including counties I toured on my way going to Jordan.

Here is a brief selection of some sketches I’ve made over the past year, some for more practical and other for more artistic purposes.