For about two years, as a hobby, I have been teaching myself to sketch architecture and urban scenes. I’ve enjoyed it very much, and it has helped me develop an appreciation not only for buildings and spaces but for visual art in general. It’s also helped me keep a record of places I’m lucky enough to visit, including counties I toured on my way going to Jordan.
Here is a brief selection of some sketches I’ve made over the past year, some for more practical and other for more artistic purposes.
Houses in a residential area of Rotterdam A bust of Abraham Lincoln in a park in Paris A car-rental (autolib) stand on a curb in Paris My sketch for a design I’d like to see at 26th Street and Old Dominion in Arlington Sketches for a dollhouse sculpture, to be completed with the artist Mia Rollins Sketches for a dollhouse sculpture, to be completed with the artist Mia Rollins A model of a dollhouse sculpture, to be completed with the artist Mia Rollins